Digital transformation has made us evolve drastically. During the times of pandemic parents were really finding it difficult to keep their kids occupied. Nowadays digital media plays an important role in our daily routines. May it be at home or at school some or the other way we use it. Let's just say that using digital platforms for day to day operations is here to stay. Now what's the most difficult thing to manage when using digital media? Yes it's the capability to regulate screen time.

During recent studies by Harvard Graduate School of Education it is foreseen that adapting to the multi purpose platform will serve to be beneficial. Thus they have created various innovative workshops online to help the parents transform their child's learning environment to virtual mode. There are various online bookstores and libraries to help parents and teachers gather media literacy. It is discovered that transforming educational material into digital movies is way better. It not only helps in acquiring a rich learning environment but also helps in providing deeper comprehension of various topics. According to research it is prevalent that we tend to remember the things we see more than what we read. With accurate graphics and digital operations we can get a greater perspective of all the relevant topics in one go. The National Association of Media Literacy Education has skillfully designed the strategy to inculcate all forms of communication into the learning environment.


Using digital mediums help us in accessing, analysing, evaluating, creating and sourcing information effectively. It is always believed that books are our best friends and we can acquire knowledge by reading them. There are tremendous benefits that one can avail by reading Educational books but let's just say that watching films based upon it is like an aid. Don't believe it? Wait let me tell you in detail. Let's just take the example of William Shakespeare and his Drama's. Reading an Elizabethen era book is quite difficult. You need to be ready with the translation of the same to remember the course of events. For example you are studying Merchant of Venice as your literary Textbook. To understand the course of events and decipher the scene is difficult. Understanding by just reading the book may turn out to be cumbersome. In order to understand the drama efficiently and seamlessly one can watch its movie. By watching the movie of the drama online one can get pictorial representation of the whole act and will be able to remember the scenes better. In order to achieve good command on the play. One can read the play and watch it parallely. This will help the students in learning about the play more efficiently. There might be a case where a student forgets what event took place in Act 1 scene 1 but the memories of the movie will help him to remember the events. Thus cross media learning is really very helpful. In case you require the translation book you can buy it online in India from the online bookstores circulating it. For a concentrated learning module both books and movies play an important role. They are equal share partners in providing knowledge to students. Cross media learning experience is the opportunity to harness knowledge and skills among the students.


Now that the term Cross media learning keeps on showing up. You might be wondering what it really means? Cross media learning is a terminology used when a story crosses its path from one platform to another. For example a book was written in 2012 and based upon the same now a movie is being made. This refers to cross media story engagement. In the education sector it plays a vital role. How is cross media platform beneficial to the students? By using this engagement module students can develop both knowledge and skills. Wondering how? By reading the book students will be able to strengthen their vocabulary and imagination skills while by watching the movie they can develop their communication skills. Watching movies rather helps in providing an emotional impact on the students to intensify their learning capability. In order to achieve a good cross media working environment one must begin with certain pointers.


Cross media platforms can work efficiently if devised upon three strategies. They are:


  • Academics: In order to provide a strong impact on the educational sector it must focus upon delivering academic value to the students. By strengthening the core values of students it can help in moulding the characters effectively. It must be taken into consideration that the work is set up under a deep comprehensive strategy and has an equipped vocabulary.
  • Ethics: For a seamless functioning environment it is essential that the storyline has the perspective of delivering something to the students. It is rather an examination of a moral dilemma which must be considered before using both books and movies for delivery. The main focus is to do justice to the storyline while operations.
  • Aesthetics: In order to achieve excellence of operation it is important that the story has an accurate outline. What do you mean by aesthetics when it comes to the education system? It refers to the capability of the story to attract students to understand the operation of the scene. Before setting up the scheme for operation in both book and film one must try to find the elements that result to be compelling to the story. The main motive behind the different operational mechanisms of book and movie is to deliver knowledge about forms of communication to the students.


Media literacy can be achieved in no time due to advancements such as online book shopping. It is rather a benefiting module to help students compare the powerful mechanisms of print and film. It not only provides knowledge about play but also compares the shift in point of view to communicate the emotional response to a situation. This vividly helps the students to differ their opinions of story from film based upon their own Educational beliefs, constraints and experiences generated. In today's modern World it is important that everyone starts to take books and their film adaptation seriously.


Not only in the educational sector but also in the film industry it is prevalent that movies are made based upon the books. For example Half girlfriend by Chetan Bhagat. You do remember it right? The adaptation of book storyline in the film industry may or may not project certainty based upon the projection. It is rather dependent upon the storyline and focus segment. Like education or entertainment. To select an accurate option for delivery is quite important. By setting up a core list of questions for selection one can differ between right and wrong. By preparing an analysis based upon cross media studies one gets a clear picture about difference in opinions and worth. One must try to recover the reviews about stories beforehand for the automatic warranty of literature. Now it is easy to acquire reviews with the help of online bookstores where one can read reviews of other buyers online.


Watching films related to the books can result in a reward. You know why? Because it can serve to be an inspiring agent to the students to develop interest in a subject. We all understand the importance of reading but it gets quite difficult to make students read them. It is rather a challenging task to motivate the students to read. Thus watching movies adapted from the book helps in providing knowledge to the students easily. There are many books that teachers can select from the K12 Reading list of accomplishments to guide the students. With constant efforts we will be able to deliver knowledge to the students in an innovative way. The drastic shift towards digital platforms has made it possible to acquire knowledge and skills at any place, at any point of time.


Books are way better than films but it's quite difficult to motivate students to read. With advancements such as movie adaptations and audiobooks now youngsters have started to listen to the books. In a way they are striving towards upliftment thus the cross media learning is enriching them. The debate between books and movies has been prevalent for many years. But the answer to it lies the same. It depends from person to person and the situation that determines which platform is rather beneficial. If books are the necessity for acquiring knowledge then Movies are the need of the hour for refreshment. With a Crisp module of entertainment movies provide knowledge in a rather informal way. Creative right?


The new learning methodology of the learning environment is universal to the adoption of technology. Indeed it's an amazing engagement strategy to uplift the society as a whole.

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